Thursday, January 24, 2013

A trip to a store!

So recently I had a very fun trip to a store with a dear friend and her boys..
 Look what I found! I so want to try and make these! 
It was a fun day and a loud day that I will forever think back on and smile...
Some things I learned NEW that day was:

1. I am NOT a fan of crowds!
2. I do LOVE riding on highways!
3. Swedish Meat balls are still the BEST!
4. Bathroom dryers can SCARE children.
5. Two boys can BEAT me at a game of connect! Fun!
6. I LIKE taking random pictures. 
7. Just because something is cheap doesn't mean I have to buy it.
8. It makes me sad when people are sick and they don't want help.
9. I LOVE ice cream even in the winter!
10. I enjoy seeing my dear friend no matter what or where we do.
 (although that is not NEW I have KNOWN that for a long time!) 

1 comment:

  1. I thought #7 was my favorite but then I read #10! I'm so glad we were able to get together (along with approximately 1 million other people) for a shopping trip!
