Thursday, January 3, 2013

4 Words for Week

Well cant say much about Christmas this year. People sick, People late, FALLS, and missing kids.
But on the other hand the good news the games where awesome. Hubby's meatballs went very
fast. He got a great phone which I call a machine because he can do everything on it. I am hoping
to be able to get one in Jan....He bought me a printer that I can do so many of my crafts and projects
with! It is so fast and wonder.. I never thought I would be excited and happy about it but It sure makes
me happy!!!!!

So on to New year 2013... A start of a New calendar! LOVE IT!!! I LOVE calendars.
Last year I had one I used for work, bedroom, events, and journals..I guess it reminds me
of lists that I can create which I love to do.. The only thing is time just seems to be flying
by to quick that I cant keep up..

So now that the New year is here I am going to share the 4 words for my blog days
for each week! 

1.. WRITE- Blog, Journal, Letters,

2. WELCOME- Each moment, New friends, NEW Job
3. WONDER- Explore, be curious, marvel a site of seeing a miracle. (a Dictionary definition)
 4. WISE- Learn something, Reading, talking, creating.

I hope to do this each week! We shall see!!!!

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