Saturday, November 17, 2012

The NEW things with the OLD.

New things with the old. I started thinking of things that are new and hoping still for the OLD.

 People walked every where or depended on horses, bikes, or more simple forms of transportation. Now you see either SUV s all over or electric cars or these tiny cars called smart cars.. (are they so smart?)

We didn't have cell phones everywhere we went.  NOW the big thing is the Smart phone with Internet and GPS tracking.
(which I don't have one yet but want one but wonder how many weeks it will take me understand)

We had a phone with a cord that you had to sit at home with and the phone rang busy if you were talking.
Yes I still remember the days before there was call waiting and caller id.

TVs now have to be flat screen. Which yes I am still stuck in the old ages with a box heavy and all.
Also the NEW thing if you want FREE TV you have to have a converter box. The only nice thing
about that is we did get some new channels.

A friend reminded me of many family members in one house. And now we live separated all over
the world but yet can connect now and see each other with Skype. (which I did use in the past)

Coffee used to be made in a pot on the stove in homes. Now we have at least 6 types of coffee
shops on every corner it seems. And its fancy stuff too.

One thing new I REALLY don't think is good is the new car doors with no keys or start a car with no
key. The push button or codes to get in just seems to easy to me.

Kids NEW toys are really hard for me to understand too. Kids walking around with small hand held
video games just look to me like the adults with the cell phones. ( I know harsh but it just drives me
nuts to see a parent out to dinner with their child and they have their laptop or smartphone going and
the kid is siting across the table playing this small game. What is wrong with going out to eat and having
a talk with your child or just enjoying spending time with THEM. (sorry that is a big pet peeve of mine)

I am hoping that there will be book stores in the next 10 years with e books and the kindles and nook
readers being so popular. Yes I think they are cool but I still love the book and library!

So those of some of the NEW but Here is the OLD I hope that will be still in the future!

1. The library
2. In print newspapers and magazines.  (not just online)
3. Coffee pots that we can use at home.
4. That Channel 11 will always have educational things
5. Not all having to be the same electrical cars (yes to big CARS)
6. Radios
7. The written letter or card
8. Bikes
9. Keys for doors and cars
10. Creative toys like blocks, coloring books, cars like matchbox, and YES for play dough!

So that concludes my list for today its just MY opinion. Bring on the future ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Love this--and agree with it too. The problem is that I resisted GPS long enough. Living in these suburbs and having to drive my kids to new places every other week, I finally gave in. It is definitely helpful! (I wouldn't bother with it if I still lived in the city)
