Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Black Friday- WORKING

Well for weeks now everyone at work has been waiting to see if we were going to have the Friday
after Thanksgiving off. Its been kind of a waiting game. So today we find out YES they want us to
work from 1-7pm. (NOT my normal hours mind you)

 If I would have been smart I would have thought about it and planned better. But then I am NOT a shopper on that day so I didn't think about it.But then it was in the past always nice just to relax and have that day for the Turkey leftover sandwiches and to just CHILL..
I also had  in my head that my husband that never gets off who is in retail IS OFF. (made it worse)

Normally we get a choice BUT not this year. If we don't come in it counts against us. Goes
on our attendance record. (which mine has been pretty good) We will also lose a day pay.
(which we don't get paid Thur. either so it cuts two days down)   Also kinda warned us that
the holiday month of Dec is coming and everything slows down and we loose days then too.
So I started to kinda feel that at-least they were nice to give us a choice.

And then I started to think some more and found that I was kinda having a pity party.
I HAVE a job when some don't. And there are at least 10 Careers that do work the holiday DAY...

1. Hospitals
2. Jails
3. Firehouses
4. 911 Operators
5. Police
6 Phone Company
7. Gas Company
8. Airports, Train stations
9 .News reporters

So Granted I don t come NO WHERE NEAR what these people make.
I am in good company in having to work on Black Friday.. (what a name)
I think I will wear ALL Black that day to protest. LOL (Joking)

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