Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Black Friday- WORKING

Well for weeks now everyone at work has been waiting to see if we were going to have the Friday
after Thanksgiving off. Its been kind of a waiting game. So today we find out YES they want us to
work from 1-7pm. (NOT my normal hours mind you)

 If I would have been smart I would have thought about it and planned better. But then I am NOT a shopper on that day so I didn't think about it.But then it was in the past always nice just to relax and have that day for the Turkey leftover sandwiches and to just CHILL..
I also had  in my head that my husband that never gets off who is in retail IS OFF. (made it worse)

Normally we get a choice BUT not this year. If we don't come in it counts against us. Goes
on our attendance record. (which mine has been pretty good) We will also lose a day pay.
(which we don't get paid Thur. either so it cuts two days down)   Also kinda warned us that
the holiday month of Dec is coming and everything slows down and we loose days then too.
So I started to kinda feel that at-least they were nice to give us a choice.

And then I started to think some more and found that I was kinda having a pity party.
I HAVE a job when some don't. And there are at least 10 Careers that do work the holiday DAY...

1. Hospitals
2. Jails
3. Firehouses
4. 911 Operators
5. Police
6 Phone Company
7. Gas Company
8. Airports, Train stations
9 .News reporters

So Granted I don t come NO WHERE NEAR what these people make.
I am in good company in having to work on Black Friday.. (what a name)
I think I will wear ALL Black that day to protest. LOL (Joking)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The NEW things with the OLD.

New things with the old. I started thinking of things that are new and hoping still for the OLD.

 People walked every where or depended on horses, bikes, or more simple forms of transportation. Now you see either SUV s all over or electric cars or these tiny cars called smart cars.. (are they so smart?)

We didn't have cell phones everywhere we went.  NOW the big thing is the Smart phone with Internet and GPS tracking.
(which I don't have one yet but want one but wonder how many weeks it will take me understand)

We had a phone with a cord that you had to sit at home with and the phone rang busy if you were talking.
Yes I still remember the days before there was call waiting and caller id.

TVs now have to be flat screen. Which yes I am still stuck in the old ages with a box heavy and all.
Also the NEW thing if you want FREE TV you have to have a converter box. The only nice thing
about that is we did get some new channels.

A friend reminded me of many family members in one house. And now we live separated all over
the world but yet can connect now and see each other with Skype. (which I did use in the past)

Coffee used to be made in a pot on the stove in homes. Now we have at least 6 types of coffee
shops on every corner it seems. And its fancy stuff too.

One thing new I REALLY don't think is good is the new car doors with no keys or start a car with no
key. The push button or codes to get in just seems to easy to me.

Kids NEW toys are really hard for me to understand too. Kids walking around with small hand held
video games just look to me like the adults with the cell phones. ( I know harsh but it just drives me
nuts to see a parent out to dinner with their child and they have their laptop or smartphone going and
the kid is siting across the table playing this small game. What is wrong with going out to eat and having
a talk with your child or just enjoying spending time with THEM. (sorry that is a big pet peeve of mine)

I am hoping that there will be book stores in the next 10 years with e books and the kindles and nook
readers being so popular. Yes I think they are cool but I still love the book and library!

So those of some of the NEW but Here is the OLD I hope that will be still in the future!

1. The library
2. In print newspapers and magazines.  (not just online)
3. Coffee pots that we can use at home.
4. That Channel 11 will always have educational things
5. Not all having to be the same electrical cars (yes to big CARS)
6. Radios
7. The written letter or card
8. Bikes
9. Keys for doors and cars
10. Creative toys like blocks, coloring books, cars like matchbox, and YES for play dough!

So that concludes my list for today its just MY opinion. Bring on the future ideas!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Craft fair fun

I had so much fun at my first real craft fair. I was helping a friend and she also let me display some
of my crochet flowers. I actually sold 6 flowers! I was so happy! Seeing the pleasure on peoples
faces with something I created was just so much fun. And then they wanted to buy one made me
just want to jump for joy!

But what was also so much for me was there was over 250 other crafters there to talk and meet and
see how they did their creations. My mind was filled with ideas, admiration and excitement to try new
 things! My favorites were:

1. A Journal maker (which she also did Planners and bibles. I LOVED have her card)
2. A artist that made art with books
3. Crocheters that made scarfs with fancy yarn
4. Jewelry makers that made their own beads
5. Soap makers with sweet smells and funny titles
6. Hair ribbons/ Hair twisters for braids
7. Fleece blankets with scarfs to match
8. Cup cake ladies (very decorate and looked yummy)
9.  Fudge makers (the smell was awesome)
10. A picture maker with tiles.

I had a ball collecting my favorite business cards. I felt like I was on a treasure hunt and plan
go to many more!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Taboo talking subjects Vs Safe list

I know that with so many politics is a taboo to talk about. 
Sadly today I was torn. I am not in favor really of either candidate and was still thinking about voting
the end of the day.. Does that make me a BAD person. Some people would say YES.. Americans
should VOTE! Especially women voters. Past women  had to fight so hard to get the right to vote.

Politics have never been my cup of tee or I never wanted to know more.. I am not a history buff.
Now being a adult I have grown a little more interested and tried to be more conscious about 
past history and paid more attention to things for the future history.
Now thinking about it there is also:

1. Religion
2. Money
3. Race
4. Age
5. . Dealth
6. Values
7. History or past presidents
8. Taxes
9. Sex
10.Negative traits

All these subjects can send people into a tizzy when having to talk with someone you
don't really know very well or like. So I now think of the Safe list to talk about:

1. Weather
2.. Hobbies
3. Food
4. Vacations
5, Movies or Tv
6. A book remondation
7. How they are feeling ( cold, hungry, bored, happy, how they slept)
8.  Music
9. Sports
10. Exercise or lack of it

So that is my list for the next event that I have to be at..
I sure hope I can remember to be kind and stay away for the bad ones.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thankful for changes in Activites

Well I am off to a good start of my weekend.

WE went to our first night of small group Friday. It was fun, food and friends. (notice I had allot of F's
For Fri)

Sat. Did some wash,  Got a care package from my sister N Law. She brought me a heating pad for
my hip hurting, some Hot chocolate, I had such a craving, and some apple taffy loopy pops. (a Halloween
time tradition for us) We sat and watched a movie together. What a great way to spend a Sat.

I sometimes wish I was more active and did some more active things like youngsters that I know do.
But then I think about it and nope its just not for me.


1. Jogging (never have done and really have no desire)
2. Yoga ( Not good with the balance)
3. Going to several malls Power shopping .(now that I would love but it makes me to sad with NO money)
4. Going to a concert. (love to go but knees hurt for the stairs and standing)
5. Going to a sports event. Again knees
6. Bowling (back is not doing good right now)
7. Ice skating (used to LOVE but maybe that's why the knees hurt now.. LOL)
8. Tennis (had fun doing last summer but only 10 minutes)
9. Biking (seems to hurt more now than did years ago)
10. Going to museum (again stairs and expensive)

ON the plus side now I CAN do:

1. Walking
2. Talking
3. Washing
4. Dancing in my private space.
5.Crafts (crochet, drawing, painting, colleges, beads)
6. Book reading
7 Sudoku
8. Web surfing (FB, Pintrest, Blogger, Twitter)
 9. Journaling
10. Enjoy my lazy boy chair with heating pad!

So time does move me in a different way of life.
But I try to enjoy each moment and remember how Thankful and truly blessed I am!