My life has taken a interesting turn. I have been now joined a team of care givers. I always HAVE had
respect for care givers. I know it takes allot of compassion and patience to take care of someone who
is sick. Even more if its someone you love. My parents are aging but are still OK to take care of themselves.
But I know down the road it will not be so. My hubby's dad is now sick and needs 24hr care and we are
part of the team to help. It is sad and draining to watch him suffer.
But now its the time to see about living arrangements. Which is always a big decision even when a person
is well. There is so many things to consider. So once again I am going back to my list of stress busters
that I can do to take hold and take care of me:
1. Read my Bible
2. Read books of encouragement
3. Take Naps
4. Enjoy internet sites : Face book, Pinterest, E Blogger
5. Walks to the Library
6. Showers
7. Phone Calls from Friends
8. Painting my Nails
9. Crochet
10. Writing in my Journal /Drawing
I must say I do Love PInterest so much! Its such good therapy for me!
You're my stress buster!