Saturday, December 3, 2011

Therapy Thursday

Can I say I am Thankful?

Yes I can say that but I also can say that I was part of a Therapy program right now.
My mind races and when I feel like I have taken steps forward I find that I am going
Needless to say Thanksgiving came and went so fast! I stared this post before Thanksgiving
and now I am posting it afterwards. I am thankful for family! I was not able to be with my 
parents this year but I was able to see my son so I was happy for that. I enjoy going
and being with my husbands family but there is just something about me wanting to
be able to stay home one year and just to be able to have left overs. So this
year my dear hubby surprised me and made all the fixings this week.
 It was a nice treat and made the holiday feel like it wasn't over. 
It sadens me that for the most part Thanksgiving is just a one day eat fest. In
my heart its just so much more. Yes its a chance to eat all the good stuff and
be with family but for me its a special day just to be thankful too! I know we
are supposed to be Thankful each day anyways!  So Now the hussel and
bussel of the holiday season starts!  For me its a major craft time so this
is a nice break to remember to be Thankful! I am Thankful for the DEAR ones
that read this!

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