Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dec 3 Already... Oh Boy

Wow, Its already been 3 days into December! I know this month is going to FLY by! As I feel that this
year did! They say that happens as we get older but I am not EVEN going to start to talk about that! LOL So I am off to a Ok start to the crafts but I just cant decide which is the easiest to stick with. I started out trying to
make socks, then it went to Stockings, Then trying Mittens, and now I found a new stitch to make for Hats.
But I better make up my mind quickly because I am up to having to make 32 of them. I have the 8 stockings
made up but I am just not happy with it. So today so far I have 2 hats! Oh such Joy if these people only knew
my dealings. LOL But its fun and I am able to give something so that's what matters!

But now my bigger news that I am so excited about! I have finally did it! After years of dreaming about it I finally was able to at my favorite library to join a book club! Not only that we have a NAME:

Chick Lit / Contemporary Women's Fiction Book Group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First Book : Backseat Saints by Joshilyn Jackson 
First Meeting : December 6

I am so excited and I just got the book today! So I have 4 days to read but that's OK because I am a fast reader and just so excited!
So that is me for now Crafting and Reading away! Got to get busy!
Hope your havin a blogging good day!

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