Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas 2011 New Year 2012

Having tons of computer problems still don't have Christmas pics up yet. But took lots this year!
Had some fun.

But the most important gift I got this year was a reminder from my Sons Girlfriend
that the most important gift I give and have is LOVE and Health! So much of the time I do take
my everyday health for granted. I can walk, hear, talk and see pretty good most days..
Not to mention I don't have heart problems, Diabetic, or cancer. I do know many very inspiring
people that struggle with these conditions each day! So I once again have to say Thank you Jesus!

My favorite holiday is New years Eve! I love the idea of the old year ending and the New begining!
I LOVE calenders as you know, and starting a new Calender is the best! I did get two new wall ones.
(Cats probably for hubbies music and cat room, and a Moody ca lander that is inspirational for the bedroom.
And OH yes I did make the hubby a small stooges calender for by the computer! So we are set!
This year Is something new I have a purse calender that says mom on it that was from 2011 that goes into
2012 (my best friend has a matching one too) So its a new thing that I am taking a old year into a new one!
Very exciting! I know I am a nut! LOL

So as I am enjoying a few days off I plan to savor the last few days in 2011 and Welcome 2012!!!!
May we ALL be Safe, Healthy, and Have a Prosperous NEW year!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tues Night Book club

Well I did a goal on my bucket list!! I joined and went to a Library book club night! It was so nice! I got there early and I caught up on my reading of my favorite magazines. They provided nice chocolates and water.
There was 12 of us! I was the youngest in the group. But the conversation was exciting and talkative.

The only sad part of the night was that our host the librarian said they are cutting hours and she may no longer be able to host the group. (but we would be able to use the room without her) Its just so very sad that our services of the library and post office always have to be the first to be cut. (Oh, yes then its always GAS and BUS/TRAIN transportation too! WHY WHY WHY!!! How about the lovely people in politics!!!

Oh well enough of my gripping and I have to get my hands busy crafting for Christmas! I wish that I was more savvy with my camera and computer to show pics. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dec 3 Already... Oh Boy

Wow, Its already been 3 days into December! I know this month is going to FLY by! As I feel that this
year did! They say that happens as we get older but I am not EVEN going to start to talk about that! LOL So I am off to a Ok start to the crafts but I just cant decide which is the easiest to stick with. I started out trying to
make socks, then it went to Stockings, Then trying Mittens, and now I found a new stitch to make for Hats.
But I better make up my mind quickly because I am up to having to make 32 of them. I have the 8 stockings
made up but I am just not happy with it. So today so far I have 2 hats! Oh such Joy if these people only knew
my dealings. LOL But its fun and I am able to give something so that's what matters!

But now my bigger news that I am so excited about! I have finally did it! After years of dreaming about it I finally was able to at my favorite library to join a book club! Not only that we have a NAME:

Chick Lit / Contemporary Women's Fiction Book Group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First Book : Backseat Saints by Joshilyn Jackson 
First Meeting : December 6

I am so excited and I just got the book today! So I have 4 days to read but that's OK because I am a fast reader and just so excited!
So that is me for now Crafting and Reading away! Got to get busy!
Hope your havin a blogging good day!

Therapy Thursday

Can I say I am Thankful?

Yes I can say that but I also can say that I was part of a Therapy program right now.
My mind races and when I feel like I have taken steps forward I find that I am going
Needless to say Thanksgiving came and went so fast! I stared this post before Thanksgiving
and now I am posting it afterwards. I am thankful for family! I was not able to be with my 
parents this year but I was able to see my son so I was happy for that. I enjoy going
and being with my husbands family but there is just something about me wanting to
be able to stay home one year and just to be able to have left overs. So this
year my dear hubby surprised me and made all the fixings this week.
 It was a nice treat and made the holiday feel like it wasn't over. 
It sadens me that for the most part Thanksgiving is just a one day eat fest. In
my heart its just so much more. Yes its a chance to eat all the good stuff and
be with family but for me its a special day just to be thankful too! I know we
are supposed to be Thankful each day anyways!  So Now the hussel and
bussel of the holiday season starts!  For me its a major craft time so this
is a nice break to remember to be Thankful! I am Thankful for the DEAR ones
that read this!