Wow, its hard to believe its 2011.. This year went sOOOOO Fast! I normally get my calander out
and look at the year review and see what was eventful.. I always have planned to be one of those
crafty people in writing a christmas letter and with a photo of cats or hubby but it just has not happened
The holidays just seem like such a blur this year.. Thanksgiving my taste buds were not working so I
just really didnt enjoy it.. We were with family but seems like No family photo done.. Lots of distractions..
But we made up for it on Christmas... Lots and Lots of pics.. So many of them have not been uploaded
yet.. (over 400 from all familys)
I did a differnt project this year using door hangers and book marks with a enevelope and writing notes in all
24 of the family memebers with their names.. It was fun and also time consuming but it sure distracted me
of what I was not buying for people and NOT doing any shopping.. (which I LOVe doing but I am not able
to do right now) I am so learning to be frugual and I can say I kinda enjoy it..
The computer still has not been reliable so I am not able to get on as much as I like to do more lists and
keep up with everybody but I sure do try and love the fact we can blog as much as we want..
I love to be able to have sneak peak into the lives of my friends and enjoy them on all of our Journeys..
If I am not able to say it HAPPY NEW YEAR and BE SAFE and HAPPY!!
Blessings to YOu with Peace, JOY, LOVE and the FAVOR of JESUS!
Happy New Year! Four hundred photos? Can't wait to see some!