Saturday, April 18, 2015

May OR CAN I have some FUN

I still feel like time is going crazy so I decided to get my May post in before it became May.
Ok why do I put these rules on myself? Really? Is there rules??? I know the only one that makes
sense to me right now is posting once a month  and keeping things interesting..

May once again is flooded with Bdays.... And one baby shower so far.. So I am determined to
find some New FUN ideas. You know I have my lists and fun ideas posted in journals for
FREE things to do But I really need a revamp. Maybe its because I work for a survey Company
that my mind is always looking for other peoples opinions. But I guess Birthdays always remind
me of time going by and celebrating which is supposed to be FUN.

My husband is at the month and I always have to think of some creative way to NOT spend money
but make sure he knows that I celebrate him... He can be a bit of a downer and my mission is
to find out what WOULD be FUN for him.. But I guess everyone's definition of FUN can be different too. So that is a partial project for the month.. Gifts for men always seem harder. Don't know why.

OH I do have to share... The word MAY has been such a ANGRY word for me this month...

Normally in a sentence I will say at work:
 Can I please have your number to be able to  call you back
BUT NO my Supervisor INSISTS I SAY:
 MAY I have your number to be able to call you back.

. Now I know for some Grammar professionalism maybe that MIGHT
sound right but  its JUST PLAIN ANNOYING to me.. Can and MAY.??????
Words Words  Words.. Yes I know there are allot smarter people out there than me..

I have another RANT for this month for PHONE Technology but I will spare this area
and yes stick to my hopes and being positive!!!!

So bring on May full of Sun and FUN!!!!

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