Rush Rush Rush.. Months are going by so fast, told the hubby this morning I feel like It
was May yesterday and Now in November. But allot people are already ready for Christmas.
I had a rant on Facebook about this and I still not fully recovered but feel a little better.
Its really hard for me this year nothing seems right. All I am doing paper work for my mom
for a nursing home program. And I am NOT taking time for me JUST to be and have FUN.
What is that word lately. I have forgot how to have fun. It just makes me so sad.
In the past I know fun to be makeup, library, crochet, movies, talking with friends,
taking pictures, beads, drawing, poems, journaling, walking in the park.
Hey that is a nice list. I have to get back to life. I feel like life is passing me bye
and even complaining and panic is more in my life than being thankful..
I know Thanksgiving is this month and its not going to be the same. Hubby family
going away and mom in nursing home... I just have to find a new tradition for me
and the hubby. It takes me being creative but I just have to start thinking.
It seems my creative juices do work when I get OUT and be with other people.
Fears, complaints, all or nothing thinking and depressing thoughts have TO GO!!!
Everyone has pain at some point its just how you want to react to it and your
attitude. For the moment my heart says WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE Possible.
Thinking of you, my friend.