Sunday, March 9, 2014

My M's For MARCH

What Can I Say... Well Here are some Mmmms to describe the Month

Moms Birthday Month
Memories are fading of When I HAD fun with Friends
Must find some NEW ways to have FUN
Meet some New people who are caregivers
Make some crafts
Munch on some new Veggies
Meaningful conversations needed to adjust my need for friends.
Meekly and humbly ask for forgiveness of those I have wronged
Meltdowns have to stop, watch for triggers.
Meal times HAVE to get easier
Movement of fun in exercise has to start back up.
Manners needing some updating
Motivated... Need to RELEARN what that means
Money- Think I really need to get a better CAREER NOT just a JOB
Meditate on the GOODNESS of God and BE THANKFUL
Materialize the REALITY of GETTING MY PERMIT!!!  
Make PLANS for a vacation!

That's  the LIST for March!! 
OH ONE FOR M--- WISH I had MAGIC to get this DONE!!!

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