Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A for April

Getting close to April.. Man time just flying by..

So what can we say about A..

Abject to having MORE SNOW.  waiting for spring to come.. Doesn't seem never will..
Abundant things to do but NOT being able to motivate to do them.
Accomplish One thing at a time. Got  my lists and just needing to follow threw.
Anonymous like that word for some reason.. LOL
Abundant of ways to look at a problem.
Able to find away to stay sane.
Adapt to my life now as a caregiver
Appears that I am on a roll.
Apprehend the person who said I was dumb.
Affliction of having people near me who think that life should
Applaud them for being
Applaud me for wanting to TRY..
Aspire to be a better person.
Audible voice in my head that tells me I will be OK..
Awe of the Friends in my life who seem to make LIFE look easy.
Address the need of Showers in this house.but NOT
Appropriate place to discuss the need for that NOW.. LOL
Animals that are both
Adorable but VERY messy..
Act to  become more
Addicted to having a clean house and life.
Appear to be getting close to being
At a pause for this session of As..

I like doing these.. Words are my friends and I always HOPE to learn
new things each day!

196 books idea of books/ smaller version

OK so my close friend posted about a lady read 196 books from other countries.
 So I decided I wanted to do a similar project not so much of reading but writing.
But not sure if it would work or if anyone has tried it.

So I decided I like to write and blog and ..
But stamps being expensive not sure if I will do..

50 States.
50 people.
50 Cards.
Maybe it would work what Would be my theme.. ??????

Turning 50
50 reasons to be happy
50 Ways not to be bored
50 Ways to show love for others
50 Ways to make a difference in Life
50 Ways to Think In life.
50 Things to do In life

Oh well just thinking about the number 50.. LOL .

Sunday, March 9, 2014

My M's For MARCH

What Can I Say... Well Here are some Mmmms to describe the Month

Moms Birthday Month
Memories are fading of When I HAD fun with Friends
Must find some NEW ways to have FUN
Meet some New people who are caregivers
Make some crafts
Munch on some new Veggies
Meaningful conversations needed to adjust my need for friends.
Meekly and humbly ask for forgiveness of those I have wronged
Meltdowns have to stop, watch for triggers.
Meal times HAVE to get easier
Movement of fun in exercise has to start back up.
Manners needing some updating
Motivated... Need to RELEARN what that means
Money- Think I really need to get a better CAREER NOT just a JOB
Meditate on the GOODNESS of God and BE THANKFUL
Materialize the REALITY of GETTING MY PERMIT!!!  
Make PLANS for a vacation!

That's  the LIST for March!! 
OH ONE FOR M--- WISH I had MAGIC to get this DONE!!!