Saturday, August 31, 2013

Talks of the chair

The Chair!
Talk talk talk of having a chair!
I have been hearing about a chair since about a month since my mom moved in.. (4mths now)
 I was just not sure how much more could hear it!
Had many ideas and many places that she had looked.
 One sales person had told us our sales are on mothers and fathers day.. Yippee Late again.
Also had her brother looking for one for her too.

 So needless to say I had some extra time yesterday waiting for a ride from work.
 And did more Internet browsing of places to go for it. 
Saw that there was a Labor Day Sale and it was pretty much what she wanted to spend.
 (until we found out about delivery prices, but still OK )
  The only thing is only one on the floor and this color was out of  stock so she decided to wait for it.
 Which is fine she has waited this long what is a few more weeks.

So needless to say I felt very accomplished and feel pretty good.

My hopes of the chair:

1. She will enjoy it
2. It will encourage her to have her own space
3. Give her a reason to get back to having her own place
4. That it will last her a long time
5. That she will not break the massager on it.
6. That my darling cats will leave it alone!
7. That my dear hubby will not have a fit and say its to big.

8. That she will not make tons of spills on it

That's my list for that!
More details after delivery I am sure!  

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of the children's book, Chair for My Mother :)
