So many changes for me to adjust to. To say that I don't like changes is a understatement.
I don't want this to be a total complaining session so yes I will end in my grateful list but
for now I must vent.
So I thought going into a change of NEW technology would be a good thing. Getting smart
phones to have a better phone and etc. For me its been fun but also just another thing to keep
up. Now instead of just keeping track of minutes I have found myself checking making sure I
am not going over the DATA plan. Just another obsession. But I do have less drop calls so for
me a upgrade but not so for the hubby. So he is still in phone misery. I keep saying call the
wonderful ATT people to talk to them. But that's just asking to much.. So I say THAT'S YOUR
PROBLEM.. And I go on enjoying.. Does that sound evil?
The next change is learning to live without his dad and my step dad. I knew it was going to be
hard but I just live in memories flooding me so much of the day. But NO real regrets which I
am sure that is more than allot of people could say. But it just so saddens me that I will not
have MORE time with them till we meet in the next journey.
Another change for me is no longer being part of the fun car pool I had. I still see the group which
is a good thing but the fun we had along the way is now replaced by me being in noisy buses and strangers.
Thank Goodness for my phone and having a books.
My final change is coming in May and it SCARES me SO MUCH! My mom is planning on living with us.
I so feel like I am losing the Independence that I do have. (Which is NOT much) My hubby is doing this as
a promise we made to her hubby. But my biggest fear is losing my hubby and not being able to keep a
relationship with hubby and MOM. I know people do it all the time and its normal to have stress with it.
So I am expecting the worst and hoping that I will be pleasantly surprised with getting some new memories.
So Now after all my complaining here is my GRATEFUL LIST:
1. I am LOVED by God , Jesus and Holy Spirit.
2. I am some what Healthy
3. I have a job. (yes its NOT the best, but it does provide)
4. I have the freedom to go to church each week
5. I have access to music anytime I wish
6. I have clothes that are comfortable
7. I have access to clean water. To drink and bathe when ever I wish
8. I can WALK to library for BOOKS, DVD, and BOOK CLUB
9. Thankful for Sat. mornings just to BE HOME!
10. I have a sweet FRIEND that I know reads this and Still loves me!
Thanks for taking the time to read the thoughts in my head.
Change is HARD and you have not one but many to adjust to right now. One of the best ways to cope is to write. Write your blog, write in a journal and write on scraps of paper. Getting the worries and strong feelings out and onto paper is amazingly healing.