Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Royal Wedding

Well its official.. They can begin to live as a married couple.. Sounds like they are off to a good start..
Its amazing how the media has made so many people part of a private event.. I enjoyed watching Princess Di get married but somehow now it makes me sad.. She didn't have a chance. Not really knowing Prince Charles and being so young with the media.. But you know we all have choices how we live and she had
hers to live out.. Now I have to focus on mine.. So much of the time I fight comparing myself to others and
worrying about doing the right things.. But ya know really its about just loving God and Loving others.. That's all he really commanded us to do!

So that's what I plan to do today!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I always really felt for Diana. The paparazzi don't seem to bother William or Harry as much as they hounded her.
