Monday, August 3, 2015

July ending into August.

WEll here I am in August ... Had a awesome time away last week.
Time away...

A time to slow down
Cares were put ON HOLD
A Place to go and have FUN
T ook time to just remember what playing like a KID felt like
I started to remember what summer was about
Open to taking another week.. Yea right in my dreams

That's the acronym for this year!

We went swimming, played games, saw horses, paddle boats, ate when we
wanted, slept when we wanted and even took naps.
Did word puzzles and started some reading in a book..

And of course we had our two favorites the GREEN MILE and
the Wizard of Oz.  

The other habit I started was picking a word and a bible verse for the day..
I put a App on the phone too for the dictionary.
I a App of WAZE from brother n Law. I could have gone App crazy but
have to have limits too.

Oh yes and before the start of trip I got to spend some time with my adopted
Grandson who is nothing but a JOY to my Soul. He is full of life and laughter
and just seems to show me each time I see him that its ok just to BE..

July always Starts in a Bang

The 4th. Fireworks. hotdogs. family. picnics. parades. But today none of those for me.
Its not all bad. Got some chores done. Some puzzles. Made some bracelets. Me TV.
I guess you can say a slump.
OK so that's what was JULY... MAN

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Fun June Facts

So I am turning a BIG number this month and I was going to write a letter for all
my dear ones to remember fun facts about me but I am going to do it here.

1. At a young age of 12 I became a believer of Jesus.
2. I started singing at church at 5ys old a youth choir.
3. I found out years later I have struggled with Mental Illness.
4. I had problems reading and was in special Ed classes.
5. Later in life I made it a goal to be able to speed read.
6. I hope to write a book someday.
7. I love to read craft blogs and inspiring stories.
8. I live in a cool city but always wanted to live in a small town.
9. I always wanted to have a baby girl so my son would not be alone.
10. I love ice Coffees
11. I hate the color green. (still don't know why)
12. I love the smell of Downey
13. I always look at peoples hands when I meet them.
14. I love babys feet and there sweet smells
15. I hate my feet.
16. I feel naked without a watch.
17. My favorite time of the day is relaxing in clean sheets.
18. Going to a laundry mat always makes me feel like I am going on vacation.
19. I like to watch pranks on YouTube.
20. To add to that sometimes I like YouTube over TV.
21. We like to watch honeymooners on YouTube before sleeping.(yes every night)
22. I like to watch Ellen and her laugh is the best.
23. New pencils are my obsession.
24. Library is my favorite place along with bookstores.
25. I love lazy rivers but not good at staying in tubes.
26. I like being outside campfires winter or summer.
27. Love apple picking and berries too.
28. I always wanted a pen pal
29. I love to journal and have many. (another Obsession)
30. I have always felt like a ugly duck and too tall.
31. I have a fear of falling in shower.
32. I love washing dishes and bathroom sinks.
34. I cant help picking at my pimples. I hate the white stuff.
35. When I get frustrated or nervous I pick at the ends of my hair.
36. I want to go visit AK to visit my cousins who built their own houses.
37. I like siting by the lake eating ice cream. (yes summer or Winter)
38. I hope to make a organized craft room some day.
39. I love calendars and normally have at least 5 in the house.
40. I want to drive a purple car even just once.
41. I love people who talk fast. They make me calm.
42. I enjoy watching older people
43. I love animal viedos. Hope to have a dog someday.
44. I love being a Avon lady. Great specials.
45. I like seeing people dressed up pretty.
46. I want to go to Hollywood someday
47. I would love to go on a vacation with girlfriends
48. I would love to be on a makeover show.
49. I have had some really nice birthday partys.
50. I hope to go on a mission trip someday to help others.

That's a list all about me! Took me a long time to get to know myself  but I can say I
do know things now and feel much wiser than 10 years ago. Now I hope that all
those who are older are wrong and I can keep strong and NOT start falling apart and just
grow with more grace and wisdom and be help to those I meet...

Saturday, April 18, 2015

May OR CAN I have some FUN

I still feel like time is going crazy so I decided to get my May post in before it became May.
Ok why do I put these rules on myself? Really? Is there rules??? I know the only one that makes
sense to me right now is posting once a month  and keeping things interesting..

May once again is flooded with Bdays.... And one baby shower so far.. So I am determined to
find some New FUN ideas. You know I have my lists and fun ideas posted in journals for
FREE things to do But I really need a revamp. Maybe its because I work for a survey Company
that my mind is always looking for other peoples opinions. But I guess Birthdays always remind
me of time going by and celebrating which is supposed to be FUN.

My husband is at the month and I always have to think of some creative way to NOT spend money
but make sure he knows that I celebrate him... He can be a bit of a downer and my mission is
to find out what WOULD be FUN for him.. But I guess everyone's definition of FUN can be different too. So that is a partial project for the month.. Gifts for men always seem harder. Don't know why.

OH I do have to share... The word MAY has been such a ANGRY word for me this month...

Normally in a sentence I will say at work:
 Can I please have your number to be able to  call you back
BUT NO my Supervisor INSISTS I SAY:
 MAY I have your number to be able to call you back.

. Now I know for some Grammar professionalism maybe that MIGHT
sound right but  its JUST PLAIN ANNOYING to me.. Can and MAY.??????
Words Words  Words.. Yes I know there are allot smarter people out there than me..

I have another RANT for this month for PHONE Technology but I will spare this area
and yes stick to my hopes and being positive!!!!

So bring on May full of Sun and FUN!!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

April To Bring Showers

Well next week will be April so getting this in now..

I sure hope we get those showers and NOT more Snow.. We are having funky weather so who
knows what will come next.. But each day is a gift so I try to remember that.. Not being negative
but just trying to see it as something special..

April starts the month of my only sons birthday. I just don't know where the time has gone.
I just shocks me to think he is going to be 32.. NO way . But he also is starting to act it.
I hope. He has his own place and full time job and talks about working hard and paying
bills and  not having a life of fun.  Welcome to the world of being a adult. Reality.. LOL
It makes me smile to think of him sitting down righting out a check.

Its also the month for my dads birthday. He is working on retirement. He has two jobs of
his cleaning service. I give him a lot of credit for that. He informed me last week that he
is going to get serious and start downsizing this summer and plan to move to VA where is
other grand kids are. So I must make a effort to get a visit in soon.

As far as April being a month of showers I personally like that rain at night it makes awesome
sleeping weather which has been my favorite part of the day lately.

My hope for April is to get a cool pic of the rain and some times outside just breathing in
some fresh air. Winter is supposed to ended March 20 so I am ready to get outside and
enjoy the beginnings to May flowers.

Marching on to March

This for some reason didn't post in March so I am sending it now to update March. I said March but most people are running.. Already talking about Easter that is in April and some stations are talking mothers day! I scream in the car SLOW Down People but no its not happening. Time is moving fast on me. Its already March 7.. Ugg.

So I have many Birthdays this month but two very important ones.. My adopted daughter and my Mom.. Both which are such major part in my life. Demands, requests and Questions they don't stop each week. I learn so much from both of them and do need to be truly grateful and try to make most of my time with both of them. I do truly feel blessed and depressed at the same time.

But they say that spring will start this month and like thousands of others I can truly say I am so ready. The poor people on the east coast can truly hope that it truly will start but I can say I am
sure its going to take a bit longer for them. So another thing to be grateful for NOT to have
to be searching for the side walk.


Monday, February 2, 2015

Farwell Jan. February begins wildly

On Tuesday January 20th we took our babies to vet and
both were just to sick to come home back to our  home. 
We have had the 15 yrs and I am still in such mourning for them. 
Pets can be better family than humans. They both bought us such
joy. They were my protectors, comforters and companions.
The house feels so empty and I alone but its ok. 

I got a plant. I can light candles. And have a list
of things I can do now that I couldn't when I had the sweet babies.

So now onto February. Birthdays and Valentines. 
They say its a short month and I am sure it will fly
by and I will be wondering what happened.


 February started out with a bang. He is a view of us looking at
car and can see the side walk depth of the snow. Yes its the
fun time of winter. A friend told me yes the brave live up north
and the rest go to FL. (alot of our friends do live in the south what does that say)