Monday, August 3, 2015

July ending into August.

WEll here I am in August ... Had a awesome time away last week.
Time away...

A time to slow down
Cares were put ON HOLD
A Place to go and have FUN
T ook time to just remember what playing like a KID felt like
I started to remember what summer was about
Open to taking another week.. Yea right in my dreams

That's the acronym for this year!

We went swimming, played games, saw horses, paddle boats, ate when we
wanted, slept when we wanted and even took naps.
Did word puzzles and started some reading in a book..

And of course we had our two favorites the GREEN MILE and
the Wizard of Oz.  

The other habit I started was picking a word and a bible verse for the day..
I put a App on the phone too for the dictionary.
I a App of WAZE from brother n Law. I could have gone App crazy but
have to have limits too.

Oh yes and before the start of trip I got to spend some time with my adopted
Grandson who is nothing but a JOY to my Soul. He is full of life and laughter
and just seems to show me each time I see him that its ok just to BE..

July always Starts in a Bang

The 4th. Fireworks. hotdogs. family. picnics. parades. But today none of those for me.
Its not all bad. Got some chores done. Some puzzles. Made some bracelets. Me TV.
I guess you can say a slump.
OK so that's what was JULY... MAN