Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A emotional and motionless day

Started my day feeling very emotional. A dear friend of my lost his best friend this past Monday.
I have lost many of my loved ones (my brother, a step brother, 2 Grandmas, 2 Grandpas, 1 Uncle and Aunt, a father n Law and 6mths ago a step dad) Losing your loved ones is never easy. 
This is a post that my friend wrote.
Monday evening,  (name withheld for privacy) passed from this earth with his mother, his best friend  and myself holding him and telling him that he is loved. My grief is unspeakable and I have never felt pain like this before. I know that in time it will get better, but He was a big dude with a big presence and he leaves a large void that will never be completely filled. Thanks to all of you and your kind words soothing thoughts and prayers. It is a comfort to my feelings of loneliness.
I thought this was so descriptive. I could feel his pain. I know that I will feel this pain down the road when my dear hubby leaves me from this earth too.  I think of it allot and know that a life can change in a moment. You just never know. 
So feeling this emotion I stayed home from work and was pretty still all day. Did some sleeping and watching  two movies. But that was just noise. I was just in a state of wanting to be still and not have asked any questions or think. 
But now I know time is come I have to make dinner and welcome the hubby home from work and be the nurturer  and soak in more time with being with him.  
So will conclude my emotional and motionless day. 
PS. I know I am very fortune to be able to do this and for some it be a wasted way to spend a day.  But know as I write this I am planning my list of catch up things that I could have done and plan to start them. 
What I hope for today is to begin and do better!