Sunday, December 16, 2012

Important Things in LIFE

The word sadness does not even fit my feelings from Friday the 14th.
 Grief, Terror, Confusion,  Disbelief and  profound thoughts again of what is important in life.

I am almost at the point that I cant think of listening to the news and want to take a media break.

The pictures of the children on computers and TV are just a reminder once again of the innocence of children.

So once again I go back to the things that are IMPORTANT IN LIFE.....

1. Spending time in prayer/ reading the bible
2, TELLING your loved ones YOU CARE
3. Living life enjoying each moment because you just dont KNOW whats next.
4. Getting enough REST.
5, Drinking Water and Eating at least ONE good meal
6. Being kind to each other, the Golden rule..
7. Trying NOT to say mean things... Again if you cant say something nice DONT!
8. Keep your mind active in learning something NEW.
9. Enjoying Music because its a FREE gift

Thats my list! Which brings my mind to NEW Goals for 2013!!!!
But those are thoughts for another day!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Holidays are started

All I say that thanksgiving was different. Wish I was better at posting pics I would post up and
pic of confusion.. LOL But we had our moments of fun. We did go around the room of our 22 people
and say something we were thankful for. My hubby not feeling well said a place to live.. I know wishing
he was home in BED asleep not having to pretend to be happy to eat.

I stated very truthfully that I was Thankful for Technology. I was glad for my phone and computer. Yes
I did say it! I was feeling down that I was not with my family but I heard their voices that morning
on the phone.

We then went ATE, played a game of  Bop  it.. A game I always thought was very annoying but for
some  reason did seem so bad this day. The last thing I was able to participate in was some songs
played from guitars. Not our normal tunes but some Elvis ones.. Very different but lots of fun!
Ended up going home early because hubby was not feeling good at all and felt bad for him.
T ruefully it was nice to go and relax.

So now we are onto Dec. I am so trying to enjoy what I can. The holidays are not easy for me.
Since losing my brother 13yrs ago things just have not been the same. But I do my best to enjoy
the REASONS for the season!

1. Jesus being born
2. Singing Christmas songs
3. The beauty of lights
4. Candles lite
5. Egg Nog
6. Cards
7. Christmas movies (yes does include Its a wonderful Life)
8. Christmas programs with Children singing
9. Crafts to be made
10. Closer to end of the year! LOVE new years with CALENDARS

That is my list to enjoy the season!
And yes I do believe that JESUS SHOULD BE the REASON FOR the SEASON!