Monday, July 11, 2011

Plans and choices

This summer is flying by and I feel like I am watching life just go by! I recently asked a co-worker what
she is doing for the weekend and she said to me in such a cheerful voice, "I have so many Plans and lots
of choices.. I said WOW your a lucky girl.. She told me then, LUCK has nothing to do with it I PLAN
my options ... I will not be just doing NOTHING, I can do THAT when I am dead... Which at first
made me REALLY MAD and THOUGHT what a smarty pants and that she was really into herself.

But now calmer I am glad she that to me. I will now look at my summer as yes to get my plans working.
We don't have money so my plans cant be the major attractions or a vacation but I can do free things!

So here is my start list:
1. Free swimming in the park.
2. Free Movies in the park.
3. Getting  a Movie at the Library.
4. Sitting in the park watching kids play.
5. Helping Mom with things she needs done.
6. Sitting with the neighbors having a baroque.
7. Riding my bike
8. Finally going to a Crocheting meeting.. (I have been so bad in not going)
9. Reading a good novel/ or Bible  in the park.
10. Starting my crochet projects for Christmas.. (yep it will be here before we know and Mittens I think is
going to take me longer.)

So That's my start of FREE things to do!